With War for the Planet of the Apes opening at number one this weekend, toppling a insanely strong second showing from Spider-Man: Homecoming, we've been asking ourselves whether or not there's a better modern film trilogy out there... in any genre. The insanely well plotted, acted, and developed series not only did fantastically across all three entries at the box office, it pushed motion-capture performances to another level, turned a "monkey" franchise into serious film making, and pulled more humanity out of characters than any drama or "serious" film that I can think of.
I'd put it up there with the original Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Toy Story, or even (dare I say it) The Godfather. It's just that good, and audiences think it's that good too because they keep showing up for it. Hell, I'd be hard pressed to not put it above some of those listed. While it's bow this weekend was less than the second film it still grossed an impressive amount for a summer that hasn't been too kind to sequels and reboots.
The rest of the ol' box office is below.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2uBGKAS