It looks like today is poised to be a day with short announcements of games and nothing else. Right after Natsume came out with barely any information on the new Harvest Moon, Ubisoft has taken to their forums to present logos for Far Cry 5 and The Crew 2.
That is really all we have to go on. The Far Cry forum is titled, "Are you ready" (without a question mark, so its more a statement) and The Crew 2 states, "The best is yet to come!" (at least that is more helpful). Obviously Ubisoft will be showing these off at E3, but if you really didn't expect a sequel from two of their more successful franchises, then I guess this will be huge news for you.
Far Cry 5 [Ubisoft Forums]
The Crew 2 [Ubisoft Forums]
via destructoid