Wednesday, April 19, 2017

News:: Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit gives us sweet zeppelin action on May 18th

I have been playing city-management sims throughout my life, and despite that fact, nothing I have created in them can be considered either efficient or beautiful. I shamelessly blame my inability to do so on growing up in a region that couldn't plan its way out of an empty room. Whatever the cause, my cities are an endless sprawl of gridlocked roads and badly shoehorned rail lines.

Thankfully, the next expansion for Cities: Skylines focuses on, you guessed it, mass transit in all of its forms, determined to save me from myself, or, more likely, bury me alive in a mountain of transit options, never to be seen or heard from again.

Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit gives us sweet zeppelin action on May 18th screenshot


via destructoid