There is a man in front of me, and he is in rough shape. He's bleeding all over the place, slumped up against a wall. His apartment is kind of a dump but not "dying guy on the floor fits right in" levels of bad. Rather than call for help, I essentially sign his death certificate by jacking into his brain. "All I need is consent," I say; he gurgles something that doesn't sound like "yes" and I enter his mind.
This is Observer, the follow-up effort from the Layers of Fear developers. It's about a dystopian cyberpunk Poland in 2084. You play as a detective in a police unit called the Observers. These people are able to physically plug into peoples' brains (everyone has a port on the back of their head) and explore their minds. Observers can relive those people's memories.
It's easy to immediately see how this may be problematic. Sure, it may help solve some crimes, but rummaging around someone's thoughts may be a step too far. The commentary isn't subtle.
via destructoid