Ghost Recon Wildlands is about a week away from launching, so naturally Ubisoft has to detail all of the season pass specifics. To its credit, Ubisoft showed some restraint and waited until one week before release, unlike some other big-budget game announced this week. Seeing as how you can't currently go out and buy Wildlands and some of this content sounds really pointless, I'm not going to give them too much benefit of the doubt.
Contained in this season pass is one-week early access to two "major" expansions, the Unidad Conspiracy mission, the Peruvian Connection pack, faction-themed equipment packs, an "exclusive" vehicle, and some XP boosts (one permanent, one timed). Given there is no price, I'm guessing Ubisoft is trying to make the pass sound more appealing before telling us it's charging $40 for it.
via destructoid