Saturday, March 4, 2017

News:: GOG's LucasArts PC gaming weekend sale

Remember Star Wars 1313? No you don't because LucasArts has been canned. (Cue sweet tears of what-could-have-been). Only their classics remain and this weekend the PC versions have gone on sale at the DRM-Free retailer

New lows abound on titles like X-Wing Alliance, the recently re-released Shadows of the Empire, and many more goodies. We have a full breakdown for the sale here and the best deals listed below.

Star Wars


The sale is good now through Sunday, March 5. Technically this sale is titled a "Disney sale" rather than a LucasArts sale, but eh we'll go with the recognizable publisher, defunct or not.

GOG's LucasArts PC gaming weekend sale screenshot

via destructoid