Folks have been waiting weeks to nail down pre-orders for the Alm & Celica amiibo 2-Pack, and now Best Buy has opened their page. So who are these people and why should you care (maybe you shouldn't care about amiibo, but that's a conversation for another day)?
Well, the 2-Pack is going to be used in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia a remake of the second game for 3DS, that's coming in May of this year. Alm and Celica themselves are the two main protagonists for the game, so this is a great way to sort of re-introduce them to the world. Maybe you caught them in Fire Emblem Awakening too -- as they were both DLC characters.
As a reminder, here's a full up-to-date list of every amiibo that's been confirmed so far.
Alm & Celica [Best Buy]
via destructoid