Wednesday, February 8, 2017

News:: 1-2-Switch revealed to have 28 games including 'Baby'

Ever since 1-2-Switch has been announced it's been met with lots of criticism. The more we saw and the more we played, the more skeptical we have all become of this $50 party game. One thing that was not completely disclosed until today was just how many mini-games it will include.

It will feature 28 in all, and videos introducing 10 such mini-games have been released today. They are the same videos in-game that act as tutorials. The 10 games are Shaver, Baby, Sword Fight, Wizard, Liar Dice, Runway, Beach Flag, Telephone, Soda, and Joy-Con Rotation

1-2-Switch revealed to have 28 games including 'Baby' screenshot


via destructoid