Don't you just get sick of higher difficulty levels being nothing more than a combination of giving you less HP and defense while making enemies into stronger damage sponges? Sure, its more acceptable in some cases than others, but I always love it when developers take the initiative to make higher difficulty mean something, like adding additional objective in Perfect Dark. Even nonsense like making all enemies speak only in Korean in Crysis is cute.
One of best examples of good difficulty has been the Hitman games, where playing on higher difficulties increased the challenge by improving enemy AI, giving you a limited number of saves, limiting your maps functionality, and requiring you to not leave any evidence behind. That added challenge was an extra source of replay-ability for a series of games people already loved to play over and over, but was missing from the latest installment.
Now it's back, as IO will be delivering the Professional difficulty to all Hitman players (even those who only bought a single episode) in a free January update that will coincide with the release of the physical version of season one.
via destructoid