Thursday, December 1, 2016

News:: Square Enix president coming to Final Fantasy XV as DLC

Prior to launch, Square Enix streamed a special promotional cut of Final Fantasy XV which ended in a boss fight versus Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda. Game director Hajime Tabata confirmed in a stream that it will be available as DLC at some point. I wonder if he will get an English voice over. If so, who could you imagine doing it? For comical reasons I would enjoy Wallace Shawn or Richard White

Tabata also briefly talked about the free Holiday DLC that will add New Game Plus and a "Level Cap Creation Feature" before the end of the year. Does that mean you can cap your character level for a Nuzlocke-like challenge?

CEOs appearing in games as optional bosses is a trend I like. Now I'll be disappointed if Gabe Newell isn't a superboss in Half Life 3. Who else would be interesting to fight?

Final Fantasy XV ‘Yosuke Matsuda Boss Battle’ planned as downloadable content [Gematsu]

Square Enix president coming to Final Fantasy XV as DLC screenshot

via destructoid