Thursday, December 22, 2016

News:: Nyko's Miniboss NES Classic controller and extension cord are nice supplements to the woeful default option

Nyko recently sent me a few samples for its NES Classic line of products, and I'm really glad it did, because the on-board solution Nintendo gave us is pretty bad.

While I adore the Classic itself as a piece of hardware, the whole situation with the controllers is a joke. Not only are they really tough to find (going for $100+ on eBay), but they also only sport 30 inches of slack -- that's less than the originals did. As a result, people have been clamoring for third-party options, and there are some. Which ones you go for really depend on how authentic you want your experience to be.

Nyko's Miniboss NES Classic controller and extension cord are nice supplements to the woeful default option screenshot


via destructoid