Tuesday, November 8, 2016

News:: An hour with 'Meadow,' the most-peaceful MMO ever

Meadow, the latest game from indie developers Might and Delight, has flown under the radar. Like the Shelter games the studio is famous for, Meadow has you controlling a animal, exploring a lo-fi wilderness. Unlike Shelter, Meadow is an MMO.

Starting life in Meadow is confusing. Having read nothing about the game, I dived into the European server. I was suddenly a small badger, in a field, alone. I quickly worked out the controls available to me: walk, run, jump, smell, speak, and emote -- actually many, many emotes.

After five minutes or so of bounding around and chittering to myself, I heard an almost gutteral bleating coming from... somewhere. I called out again with the whiny chitter that only a badger could make. The deep bleat drew closer. I gently made my way down a cliff face toward a pair of antlers in the distance.

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