Monday, November 21, 2016

News:: Hot deal: PlayStation 4 Slim at $239 beats Black Friday prices

Been eyeing a PlayStation 4 Slim this holiday? Don't want to deal with madly hammering the refresh button on Thursday night? You can finish Black Friday shopping today for a PlayStation 4 Slim if you've been thinking about the $50 off deal that's being offered at most retailers. That's because there's already an even better deal of $239.99 being offered today.

Yes, we know it's Monday. No, we have no control over when retailers decide to unleash the deals.

As mentioned before, Antonline is an authorized Sony distributor and thus you'll enjoy full warranty and service if needed (fingers crossed that you won't need it). Shipping is free to the continental US and sales tax is limited to only California and Georgia, giving you extra savings if you live in all those other states.

Note: If you want one you should decide fast, as they are selling about 100 units per hour.

Hot deal: PlayStation 4 Slim at $239 beats Black Friday prices screenshot

via destructoid