Thursday, November 10, 2016

News:: Final Fantasy XV will get at least two PS4 Pro patches

Square Enix is pulling out all the stops before Final Fantasy XV's launch with yet another demo, after the two Duscae offerings and the Platinum Demo. It's for Japan only for both PS4 and Xbox One, and will be called Judgment Disc.'s not actually a disc. Confusing, I know.

The slice will feature the opening up to the middle of Episode 1 -- which is roughly two hours in length if you mess around in the open world quite a bit. No save data will be transferred so don't get your hopes up about getting a head start.

In other PS4 Pro related news, there's going to be at least two Pro patches for XV. One will add 4K and HDR support and will be available at launch, and the other will add 1080p60 support, with a target release of December. Right now they're getting a consistent "40 to 50 frames" so there's still progress to be made there.

If more marquee games get 60FPS patches, I'm on board with the idea of getting a Pro. Now people just need to lobby From Software to patch up Bloodborne and Dark Souls III. If Infamous: Second Son can get Pro support years later, I'm sure Sony can work with From to at least get Bloodborne up and running.

Final Fantasy [PS3 Dominater via Gematsu]

Final Fantasy XV will get at least two PS4 Pro patches screenshot

via destructoid