As I played Mafia III, I found myself thinking more and more about Assassin's Creed. Not the Assassin's Creed of today -- a series overrun with options and bloat -- but the original game. The trigger for my recollection is because Mafia III is also a game with a totally competent narrative that's hamstrung by cripplingly repetitive and simple gameplay.
I also spent a lot of time wondering if this is a game that is best served by its open-world nature or if it'd be better off as some other style. Mafia III peaks whenever developer Hangar 13 doesn't offer the player much choice. But, left to their own devices, they'll see how dull New Bordeaux can really be.
That is to say, Mafia III is almost constantly at odds with itself. The open world is a disservice to its setting. The gameplay is a disservice to its narrative. Everything that it does very well is offset by something that it does very poorly.
via destructoid