Tuesday, October 18, 2016

News:: Accounting looks like a must-play freebie for HTC Vive

Accounting is a loving collaboration between Crows Crows Crows (The Stanley Parable's William Pugh and Dominik Johann) and Squanchtendo (Rick and Morty's Justin Roiland), and oh gosh it looks weird as heck. If you own an HTC Vive, you ought to look into downloading the game -- it's free on Steam.

These videos, you guys. You guys. I feel like this is one of those games where the less that's said, the better. The Steam reviews are encouraging. "To be honest, this is some good quality stuff," says user BOLL. "Good stuff. If you got VR, you gotta get in on this. Oh, and if you're uh, like, not a kid."

Accounting is live on Steam: Are you ready to crunch the numbers? [Squanchtendo]

Accounting looks like a must-play freebie for HTC Vive screenshot

via destructoid http://ift.tt/2eqLkFJ