One of the weirdest moments of PAX West 2016 for me (and that's a long list, just ask Myles) was when I was flagged down on the show floor to give the card game Red Flags a shot. That in itself isn't weird; when you have a yellow media badge, folks really want you to come see their thing, especially on the lower-budget sixth floor. The game itself wasn't all that weird either. You are assembling the personality traits of a hypothetical long-term romantic partner -- two positive aspects followed by a wacky red flag, something like "Starts every sentence with 'Actually'" or "Always dresses like a clown."
No, the weird part was my game partners. There was a representative on-hand from Skybound Entertainment to demo the game, but in terms of PAX attendees, it was me and a mother and son duo. Before that day, before a middle-aged woman essentially pieced together an ideal mate for her adult son right in front of me, I didn't know my skin could even crawl like that.
Red Flags doesn't belong on a convention floor, nor does it belong amongst families. It belongs with a group of smarmy 20-somethings, most of them inebriated, huddled around a dorm room desk. That scenario may not be possible for everyone, but as long as you get the important part (being drunk) nailed down, you should be just fine.
via destructoid