The proper way to save a space whale from space-whale disease? Why, hop inside the magnificent beast and melt the parasitic sickness away with a flamethrower, of course! Just as nature intended.
This is Blubber Busters, a PC action-platform game that I agree with Steven is fun to say out loud. I dearly hope it comes out of Kickstarter successful. The art is done well, the music by Chris Christodoulou (Risk of Rain) sounds great as always, and the setting is original. A win-win-win.
The team at Thar Be Monsters (again with the fun names!) is midway through the crowdfunding campaign for Blubber Busters with around $53,000 of its desired $340,000 goal raised, so it still has quite a ways left to go. Be sure to try the demo if you like the sound of this one.
Blubber Busters [Kickstarter]
via destructoid