Thursday, May 15, 2014

News::Battlefield 4 Review Late "4" A Reason

Ace: Before I start We at CCU want to approach our reviews a little differently, by providing you the reader with our history with said game. You know, hitting the extremes and everything in between ie. whether this is our first time (noob) with the franchise (of course New IPs everybodies new to it right?) or if weve bought every game in the franchise or have extensive history or knowledge of a particular title. Basically our personal background so you again the reader can see not just a review score but exactly the mindset behind the review; is this my first time playing A RPG? A first person shooter? Do I even like first person shooters? That way you can determine whether the person reviewing the game is coming from a place where you can relate or if its something that you need to consider. Now As far as the Battlefield Franchise.

via N4G: pc news feed