Wednesday, February 5, 2014

News::The Wolf Among Us Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors Review | Twinfinite

Alissa from Twinfinite writes, "The Big Bad Wolf may not be the worst thing waiting out in the dark. For the residents of Fabletown, he may be the only thing keeping true monsters at bay. Episode 1 of Telltales episodic adventure The Wolf Among Us introduced us to one Mr. Bigby Wolf, the sheriff of Fabletown and a man keen to leave his big bad past in the story books. That episode, entitled Faith, saw Bigby fall headlong into a murder investigation and left players with one hell of a cliffhanger. Smoke And Mirrors picks up right where the first episode left off and follows Bigby as he tries to track down the bad guy all while trying to fight the darkness within himself."

via N4G: pc news feed