Sunday, November 24, 2013

News::A COG Exclusive: PC Gaming Suck it Consoles, PCs Own Next Gen and You Know It!

PC snobs love to tell you that what they were doing last year is so much more awesome that what you are doing now. All kidding aside, Paul over at COG goes deep into PC gaming to tell you why you should consider a PC. "A hunched figure is perched atop a poorly padded office chair, inch thick glasses upon his nose. The glow of a hulking CRT monitor bathes the surroundings random tangles of cables and floppy disks in a comforting white light. A single flashing _ prompt beckons to the code/dungeon master. This is the image many conjure when they think of PC gaming. No more. The scary, complicated world of the pre-Steam PC has been replaced with simple, user friendly interfaces like Big Picture. Developers have taken notice too: almost all third party games are now ported to PC and have gamepad support baked in. With next gen consoles now arriving, its time to decide where to spend your hard earned gaming dollars."

via N4G: pc news feed