Thursday, July 11, 2013

News::King of the Kickstarters: Best Games Currently in Development

Many of you may have heard of the term Kickstarter and some of you may not have. The Kickstarter scheme is probably one of the best ways for indie Developers/Games Companies to get funding from fans of games and the gaming community in order to be able to cover the costs of their development and create a game or peripheral to give back to the fans. In fact its not just games, you can make a Kickstarter for basically any project where you will be offering a service or any goods. Kickstarter is an American-based private for-profit company founded in 2009 that provides tools to raise funds for creative projects via crowd funding through its website and is such a powerful platform that some games have even received in excess of $80 million in funding. We here at Entertainment Fuse will be going to be delving in to some of the best games and peripherals currently in development on Kickstarter to see if it really is worth the community pumping their money into them.

via N4G: pc news feed