Sunday, June 2, 2013

News::What Zelda Can Learn from Skyrim - And No, Its Not What You Think

A funny thing happened towards the end of the Year of Our Lord 2011. Bethesda released the latest entry in the ongoing Elder Scrolls saga, Skyrim. It was met with much fanfare and greeted with both critical and commercial success. People would play it, stories would be shared, and eventually the next thing would come along and replace it. That was how it was supposed to go for that is the arc that most great games follow. But something different happened with Skyrim. Something unprecedented for a single-player adventure RPG it remained in the headlines. Even now, casual perusal of popular video game blogs and news sites will lead to brand new stories about Skyrim. Its been almost two years, and Skyrim is still in the headlines. So what does this have to do with Zelda, or any single-player game for that matter?

via N4G: pc news feed