Tuesday, May 14, 2013

News::Metro: Last Light Review (Strategy Informer)

From Strategyinformer.com: "Metro 2033 I personally considered my best FPS of 2010 but it was not without its flaws, which many gamers wouldnt be able to see past. The guns were unsatisfying, stealth just didnt work, checkpoints were all over the place, and there was one escort mission with exploding green blobs that nearly had me chucking my PC out the window in rage and frustration (it is the pinnacle of terrible escort missions). Which was sad, since the story was well told, the world was interesting, the levels kept on surprising, and the heavy influence of Half-Life on the title shone through. With a bit of tweaking Metro 2033 could have been considered an out-and-out classic, even a game of the year contender, instead of a flawed gem. Now developer 4A Games is having another go with Metro: Last Light, and theyve polished their formula to a shine. Nearly. ".

via N4G: pc news feed http://n4g.com/news/1254404/metro-last-light-review-strategy-informer