Friday, May 24, 2013

News::GameEnthus Podcast ep141: Contagious Pride or Weller's Directives

Monaco(@MonacoIsMine) creator Andy Schatz stops by GE HQ to give us his take XBLA development and Star Trek Into Darkness. Brad Gallaway, of GameCritics fame, tells a tale of what it was like to enter the Microsoft tent and gives us his perspective on May 21sts singular Xboxs exploits. Mike(@AssaultSuit) is feeling better and catching up on Breaking Bad. Dave(@Tiny415) does a little Mushroom Kingdom style decorating and Aaron(@Ind1fference) recognizes Gatsbys greatness. We also discuss: XboxOne, PS4, Monaco, Star Trek Into Darkness, The Office Finale, Dust An Elysian Tale, Rush N Attack, Mens Room Mayhem, Breaking Bad, Blockbuster, Tank Tank Tank, Call of Juarez Gunslingers, Malcom in the Middle and more.

via N4G: pc news feed