Monday, February 18, 2013

News::Obsidian On Project Eternity, Kickstarters Future

RPS:Kickstarter has been quite kind to Obsidian. Once upon a time, Lets make a spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment, but with no recognizable license and a truckload of old-school trappings wouldve only gotten them as far as the giant-red-button activated trap door I imagine every major publisher secretly has in their meeting room. But now the band of Black Isle castaways is back on the map after some nasty post-Fallout layoffs and sailing quite smoothly. In recent times, however, Kickstarters started to get a bit cranky. High-profile washouts are piling up Wildman the most visible among them and the gold in them thar hills seems to be losing its sheen. So then, is it time to book it back to publishers? For his part, Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart thinks its all about balance. These are enjoyable games to make, he told RPS. I think it would be great to keep on making them. It helps us build a brand. So thats where its transformative. Its going to change our busi...

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