Hereditary had so much buzz coming out of festival season that I was chomping at my horror bit to get into theaters and see it. I'm not sure I was more excited to see a single film at SXSW this year (until the surprise announcement of Ready Player One). The movie was being likened to the genre-shaking It Follows, and just seemed creepy as hell from everything I'd seen. People were calling it the scariest movie of the year.
I came out of Hereditary let down as one often does when things are hyped, I suppose. It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, and it is definitely scary, but when you're talking about movies defining genres I'm expecting things to go somewhere new or interesting. Hereditary never really does that, and it's lack of thematic push pulled me away from the skilled horror direction. A movie that promises so much can only deliver on half its goals.
via destructoid