Overwatch's Rialto has been out for less than a week and people are already breaking it.
As gathered online from various players, the below gifs showcase the ability to get play of the game (read: the final photo finish-esque clip that shows the "best" play in a particular round) by attempting to murder the innocent, invincible robot gondoliers that pilot the boats of the map's canals. Yep, it's definitely a bug, as these players are shown merely shooting an NPC to get play of the game. You have to give them points of their tenacity.
More than likely this will be fixed swiftly, but it's hilarious all the same.
Ana Never Gets POTG [Gyfcat via PC Gamer]
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/overwatch-currently-has-a-bug-that-gives-you-play-of-the-game-for-murdering-gondoliers-502067.phtml