Monday, May 7, 2018

News:: New Overwatch patch brings changes to Brigitte and pals

Blizzard's massively popular online shooter Overwatch received the latest in a long, long line of updates recently that brings more balance tweaks to the game's cast of wonderful heroes.

The imaginatively-titled patch, which should be live as you're reading this, concerns Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio, Tracer and the game's latest star, the brave squire Brigitte. As always, characters have seen some skills boosted, while the brakes have been pumped a little on others, as Blizzard continue in the efforts to keep the chaotic title in balance.

As well as the character tweaks, a huge lists of bugs pertaining to certain maps, as well as the overall game, have been stamped out. You can read about these right here. The Hero patch notes for Version are as follows:

New Overwatch patch brings changes to Brigitte and pals screenshot


via destructoid