Color me surprised, Deadpool 2 did what future classics Overboard, Life of the Party, and Breaking In couldn't do, it usurped Avengers: Infinity War as the top box office take for the weekend. Maybe it's not really surprising to see a comic book movie take out another comic book movie, but with how big Infinity War is/was I had a slim sliver of doubt that Deadpool wouldn't take the top spot.
Coming in with $125 million, Deadpool 2 actually underperformed some of the projections that analysts had it at, but with a shooting budget of only $110 million I'm sure the execs at Fox aren't really too overly sad about this news. Taking the 2nd spot as mentioned before is Avengers: Infinity War which I still need to see, but I finally caught up with all my Marvel movies so I'm good to go. Infinity War's take fell 54% from last week with only $28.7 million, which helped push their domestic take to just under $600 million.
via destructoid