Tuesday, April 17, 2018

News:: 'Yakuza 6' makes its belated appearance on PS4 today

After a few bumps in the road, Yakuza 6, the latest entry in Sega's long-running gangster series is finally available for purchase in the US. That means you can finally take a stroll down the game's fictional recreation of Tokyo's Kabukicho for yourself. The game was released in Japan last December, but given how story-heavy it is, it took awhile to localize all the voice and text for Western audiences. That's fine though -- early word is that the narrative is one of, if not, the best, in the franchise and a fitting send-off to protagonist Kazuma Kiryu.

via Engadget RSS Feedhttps://www.engadget.com/2018/04/17/yakuza-6-launch-trailer/