I reckon I owe everyone an apology. It's been nearly two years since I wrote my last listicle, a magnum opus that propelled me to the ranks of Dtoid's elite. It's been over a month since my last front-page piece, a stunning review that nonetheless left many asking, "Who the hell is Bass anyway?" I've been slacking. I cannot apologize enough for that.
Since Easter is my favorite holiday, and since I'm trying to remedy this whole "not writing" thing, I figured I'd make a new Easter-themed listicle to get back into the groove of things. Kids get spoiled on this holiest of day, and what better way to spoil everybody than to talk about the biggest plot twists in video game history?
It's a stretch, sure, but bear with me here. I started writing this past 10 PM on Easter's Eve (Quebecker Standard Time), drunk as a sailor off cheap Costco beer while my family's over. Witty analogies are far beyond my ability at the moment, so let's just get right to it.
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/top-5-twists-in-video-game-history-496732.phtml