Hi everybody! PlasticTree is back to bring you Comments of the Week. I fell ill on my birthday back at the end of March and have thus been out of the game for a little while. I'm all pumped up and back in business again.
So the recent announcement of a Spyro remake of the Insomniac games has me excited. I had my reservations and problems with the Crash remakes (a lack of Clancy Brown for starters), but also the new hitboxes and the look of it...like the realistic graphics just doesn't gel with the cartoonish nature of Crash. Spyro is looking promising given it's more laidback nature and approach to 3D platforming, colourful worlds, and the promise of Tom Kenny returning as Spyro. Anyway, what I've been trying to say that I've found myself playing 3D platformers again, starting with Sly 2 and Spyro 2, and I'm feeling like playing some A Hat in Time.
But I'm also feelin' your comments!
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/comments-of-the-week-46-we-ve-got-heads-on-sticks-498907.phtml