Monday, April 16, 2018

News:: Are you choosing God of War or Yakuza 6 this week?

It's another amazing week for the PlayStation 4, as Sony's God of War and Sega's Yakuza 6 are being unleashed into the world. God of War takes it critically but Yakuza 6, which brings an end to the memorable Kiryu's tale, also has a ton of heart.

You wouldn't be "wrong" for picking one or the other, especially given the reality of the full retail price tag of either heavy-hitter. It's tough to truly compare the two, but with themes of childcare and confronting your past they have a lot in common with one another -- not even delving into the aforementioned PS4 exclusive same-week launch period.

I'm not quite done with Yakuza 6 so it's tough to even recommend one over the other definitively, but in the meantime we wanted to get your thoughts!

Are you choosing God of War or Yakuza 6 this week? screenshot


via destructoid