I've had Onrush filed away in my mind as a frenetic off-road arcade racer from Codemasters, and it is that, but there's more going on than expected at first glance. The vehicles have classes, my friends.
As shown in today's video, everyone has their own abilities and characteristics. Some cars can blind opponents, while others leave behind a trail of fire. Certain vehicles are able to drop boost pick-ups for teammates, and some can disable drivers' boost by ramming into them. The classes also build their "Rush" meter in various ways; Blade gets it from doing flips, but Vortex earns it from barrel rolls.
I was pretty much on-board with Onrush back when I thought it was a standard arcade-style racer, but these extra layers should make for a longer-lasting experience. Here's the full class lineup:
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/arcade-racer-onrush-seems-like-a-total-riot-500204.phtml