We all knew the WWE 2K18 port for the Nintendo Switch was a poor showing, but new evidence from Digital Foundry after a recent March patch showcases just how poor it really is.
In addition to the low-res textures and shadows, there's a few other major problems. The side-by-side comparison clips for Switch and Xbox One don't need to be speed-adjusted: cutscenes are incredibly slow on Switch, to the point where it's minutes slower for longer scenes (and can dip into 13 FPS).
To add insult to injury, 2K also patched the game and removed the screenshot feature. "Nintendo policy" was blamed, but it's very easy to speculate that 2K doesn't want WWE 2K18 talked about as much as possible.
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/wwe-2k18-might-be-the-worst-switch-port-to-date-494071.phtml