Hello, friendos, and welcome back to The 300, a recurring feature on my harebrained attempt to see 300 movies in theaters in the year 2018. I’ll be watching new releases, classics, hidden gems, and festival films to experience the wide world of cinema in all its forms. Hopefully there’s something here for you to enjoy as well.
As always, there are three rules for The 300:
- The movie must be at least 40 minutes long, meeting the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ definition of a feature film.
- I must watch the movie at a movie theater, screening room, or outdoor screening venue.
- While I can watch movies I’ve seen before 2018, I cannot count repeated viewings of the same film in 2018 multiple times.
This is probably going to be the slowest week of The 300 for the entire year. I only saw two movies in theaters last week because I was in Miami for a friend’s wedding and had plans the day I left New York and the night I got back into town. It’s much easier to sit down and stream something than head to the theater, especially when there’s so much other stuff going on in your life. If anything, The 300 has given me a much deeper appreciation of how I spend my time, how I could be spending it, and why I choose to do the things I do.
While this may seem like I’m falling behind, I’ll be more than caught up in the next few weeks. For one, I’ll be checking out a few movies at The Inaugural Dr. Saul and Dorothy Kit Film Noir Festival, running from March 21 to 25 near Columbia University. And from April 18 to 29, I’ll be covering the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival with fellow Flixist writer Jesse Lab. Both should get me back way ahead of schedule.
And so, onward.
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/the-300-week-10-the-miami-connection-494289.phtml