What the Golf? bills itself as "the golf game for people who don't play golf." It's spot on.
One quick scroll through this gif-filled about page is all you'll need to know if this is your type of silly, experimental take on sports. You can golf a human. Or a horse! It also has bowling and soccer reimagined as golf. How about first-person golfing? Golf platforming? There's even golf boss battles.
I'm so down with this anything-goes, almost game-jam-like vibe.
Developer Triband is seeking funding through Fig with a base goal set at a modest $50,000. Assuming that goes well -- and I really think it will -- then it'll move onto stretch goals at $65,000 (impossible golf challenges), $100,000 (local multiplayer battle), and $200,00 (a golf course level editor).
What the Golf? is currently planned for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Triband is "talking to platforms about the possibilities [of console ports], but it is not the primary focus."
What the Golf [Fig]
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/what-the-golf-is-everything-i-love-about-sports-games-488736.phtml