I've been loving every minute of Monster Hunter: World since it released last week. After ducking the beta, staying clear of a lot of pre-game footage, and generally going in as an unprepared schmuck, I've had a wonderful time getting acquainted with this strange new world.
One thing that was apparent right off the bat is Monster Hunter is extremely complex. There are tons of different weapons (many of which incorporate alternate modes or special tricks), endless items to horde, and all kinds of crafting craziness that, frankly, seemed like nonsense the first time I looked at the upgrade tree at the smithy.
So to be completely honest, I kind of ignored a lot of those things starting out. I got in, picked a fun dumb looking weapon, and got straight to hunting and slaying monsters. Turns out you can get pretty far just relying on traditional gaming basics. Dodge and swing, chug a potion when you get hurt, that sort of thing. I was doing just fine.
Until I was tasked to take on the Anjanath that is.
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/monster-hunter-world-knows-just-when-to-give-you-a-kick-in-the-ass-486070.phtml