Wednesday, February 7, 2018

News:: CD Projekt Red will be at E3 and that could mean anything

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is a proverbial field of dreams for the games industry, the perennial show where everyone fantasizes about the wildest and most unexpected reveals. Anything could, in theory, happen at E3 -- and it's probably most likely to happen there since it is the biggest stage. It makes us borderline presumptuous as our hopes turn into bold predictions.

CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 is the subject of today's E3 gossip (in February, no less!) because of the developer's inclusion on the convention's scrolling banner of participants. It's one of 57 currently-announced companies that will be at the show in some capacity. That a studio as prominent as CD Projekt Red is attending E3 is hardly a surprise.

However, coupled with recent activity from the Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account, this listing has people blissfully hopeful that it means a showing from the long-awaited cyberpunk RPG at E3 2018. And it might! CD Projekt Red might have a giant noisy booth right next to all the other giant noisy booths. Cyberpunk 2077 might be closer than we could've imagined.

Or, it could be entirely more boring than that. CD Projekt Red could be attending for low-key appointments to show press Gwent ahead of its eventual release. Even less exciting, CD Projekt Red could have a private room solely for business development meetings. For every possibility, there's an equal and opposite and less exciting possibility.

CD Projekt Red will be at E3 2018. Form whatever conclusions you feel comfortable with.

Show Hours [E3]

CD Projekt Red will be at E3 and that could mean anything screenshot

via destructoid