Wednesday, January 10, 2018

News:: This Resident Evil 7 speedrun might be the best run of AGDQ 2018

Awesome Games Done Quick had a phenomenal lineup of horror speedruns last night.

I was fortunate enough to catch the majority of Carcinogen's Resident Evil 7 run live, and while I don't keep up with the speedrunning scene as much as I used to, I'm calling it: this was one of the most gripping runs I've seen in a long time. It's certainly one I'll point to for anyone curious about AGDQ 2018.

Carcinogen was charming and playful. His co-commentators provided well-timed insight and laughs. Resident Evil 7 is inherently fun to watch, doubly so in the hands of someone who knows its ins and outs. And even with all the preparation in the world, things can still go off the rails in the game's harshest difficulty, Madhouse. These factors led to a captivating, edge-of-your-seat experience.

He definitely earned some new fans last night.

After a brief breather from Resident Evil 7, AGDQ shifted over to Bawkbasoup and wusscake for a head-to-head Resident Evil 3: Nemesis race full of horrible, no-good RNG. What a riot.

Finally, the night (well, my night) capped off with an enlightening Silent Hill run from Punchy.

I was too amped up from these runs to sleep very well, but it was worth it.

This Resident Evil 7 speedrun might be the best run of AGDQ 2018 screenshot

via destructoid