Things change as one gets older, and I’m no exception. As I’ve aged from a fresh-faced, idealistic young nerd into a jaded, wrinkly older nerd, my preferences and tastes have also changed, with one major exception: my love of space combat. Few things get me to nerd out like the thought of huge ships, slugging it out against the backdrop of space. Beams,missiles and the occasional bullet crossing the blackness beyond to thud against armor or fizzle against shields.
For me, a childhood spent in the heyday of space-shooters like Wing Commander, Freespace, and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter conditioned a Pavlovian response so strong that I even mark Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare as one of my favorites of the CoD franchise because it has decent space combat in it.
That in mind, Dreadnought looks like it’s aimed straight at my heart, because it’s all about the ship combat in Yager’s new space brawler. Can this “Giant Spaceship Hero Shooter” carve a docking berth in player’s hearts?
via destructoid