The Super Mario Cereal, complete with amiibo functionality, released on December 11, 2017. However, until today, I hadn’t actually seen a single box on store shelves, despite searching obsessively. Sure, it’s kind of a dumb, pointless thing, but it’s a fun, dumb, pointless thing!
It turns out that there’s a pretty easy way to track down a box of this elusive, Lucky Charms wannabe. Thanks to an Amazon user named basscow, in the customer questions & answers section of the product page, a website known as BrickSeek was brought to my attention.
All you have to do is go here, type in the sku: 545139362 and your zip code, and this neat little tool will tell you if any nearby Walmarts have any in stock. As an added bonus, it’ll even show how much of the item each store has as well. The site has a disclaimer stating that it cannot be held responsible for any incorrect information, but after purchasing four boxes earlier (For myself and my coworkers. I’m not a scalper, I swear!), the numbers were immediately updated. It’s definitely at least somewhat reliable.
via destructoid