Tuesday, January 16, 2018

News:: Learn everything about Civilization VI: Rise and Fall with this new trailer

Ever since the announcement late last year, I've been eager to find out what new stuff is coming in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall. Obviously Firaxis was going to include new leaders, but what gameplay tweaks were coming to fix some of the issues from the core game? Was there anything the series hasn't already touched that could even be expanded on?

Turns out we won't even have to wait for launch, because this new trailer basically explains everything about the game. While you won't get a feel for how these changes work in the minute-to-minute gameplay, you won't need to guess how the new "Heroic" and "Dark" ages work or what new policies are on offer.

Learn everything about Civilization VI: Rise and Fall with this new trailer screenshot


via destructoid http://ift.tt/2DpalBs