Thursday, January 4, 2018

News:: The Great Retro Quiz! Results of 2017

I think I now know how Edward Nygma feels when he sets up an elaborate riddle to trap Batman, but Batman ignores the riddles and just socks him in the jaw. Unfortunately, this edition of the Great Retro Quiz had very low participation, and I'm not sure why. Was it the Twitter requirement, intended to keep people from just copy-pasting answers in the comments? Was it the long holiday weekend, and people just weren't online to play a silly quiz? Or were the questions too hard to figure out without Googling? (You can totally use Google to answer them. I won't know the difference.)

Whatever the reason might be, we only had three participants for 2017's look back at the year in gaming. For those who'd still like to try their luck before reading the answers you can do so here, but it's too late to enter for a chance to win the Steam credit. For the results, read on below.

The Great Retro Quiz! Results of 2017 screenshot


via destructoid