Monday, December 18, 2017

News:: Shantae's pal Rottytops wins vote to become next CharaGumin figurine

Rottytops has been selected as next Half-Genie Hero character to get the CharaGumin figure treatment, having been chosen by fans to receive her very own resin model.

Rottytops, the goofy, zombified gal-pal of Shantae, won a poll on held Twitter to decide which character would be next to be immortalised (no pun intended) in the Volks range. Rotty beat out pirate queen Risky Boots by a mere 2%. Damn, there's gonna be some Tinkerbats getting screamed at tonight.

The poll pushed for European and Japanese fans to vote too, which is a bit rich considering they made the last figurine completely unavailable for shipping outside of the U.S. and Canada. This left many fans, such as myself, pretty bummed. Hopefully that won't be the case in regards to distribution this time around, but I'd personally rather have all of these figurines, or none at all.

There is no further info about Rotty's release, but we'll keep you up to date as new details surface.

Rottytops wins CharaGumin figurine vote

Shantae's pal Rottytops wins vote to become next CharaGumin figurine screenshot


via destructoid