Saturday, December 2, 2017

News:: Monster Hunter: World gets PS4 beta details and intro video

PlayStation Plus users will gain access an exclusive PS4 beta for Capcom's upcoming open-world adventure title Monster Hunter: World. The company have released some details ahead of time about the trial run.

The beta starts December 9 at 09:00 PT / 17:00 GMT / 18:00 CET and ends December 12 at the same time. Requirements to take part in the action are a PlayStation 4 with a PlayStation Plus account, internet access, 5.9GB of HDD space and a "hunting spirit", apparently.

The beta will feature three quests across two of the games locales. Multiplayer will be available, but constant online connection is a must, even for single player mode. For all the details, visit the Capcom blog right here and the official beta page here.

Capcom have also released a ten-minute Japanese introduction video to stoke the flames of hype, as if they weren't already high enough already for some of you guys 'n' gals.

Monster Hunter: World launches January 26 on PS4 and Xbox One, with PC to follow.

Monster Hunter: World gets PS4 beta details and intro video screenshot


via destructoid