Tuesday, November 7, 2017

News:: Nuclear Throne's final major update has landed

It's been quiet on the Nuclear Throne front for quite a while now, with the last big update releasing back in February 2016. Developer Vlambeer broke that silence this week with a new update; the final update.

You'll find the patch notes below, but the intent for this one was to provide better game performance, easier modding, "and a lot of quality of life and balance fixes" for the brutal top-down shooter. The team even brought on Nuclear Throne Together mod creator YellowAfterlife, "and worked closely with community members and feedback to create and update 99 that is worthy of the wait."

As for what comes next, Vlambeer's Rami Ismail said in a reddit AMA that "Nuclear Throne was really, really rough on us. While working on it was great, getting it wrapped up and being 'done' with it was awful. I think after this, we'll do some smaller stuff."

He added that "We've obviously spent a lot of time recovering, and we're now focusing on supporting our titles a bit. Ridiculous Fishing got an update, now Nuclear Throne, and maybe we'll have some more updates for older games. Beyond that, we're prototyping some new stuff - some of it is exciting, some of it is totally not. It'll take some time for us to find something we really want to focus on, but in the meanwhile, it's fun to be back to creative work."

As much as I love/hate but mostly love the game, I'll be glad to see this crew tackle something new.

Nuclear Throne's final major update has landed screenshot


via destructoid http://ift.tt/2hPJ3It