Monday, November 27, 2017

News:: Dive into 'Destiny 2' for free starting tomorrow

So you missed out on Destiny 2's beta tests and didn't want to buy the game without giving it a try. Are you stuck? Thankfully, no. Bungie will offer a free Destiny 2 trial on PS4, Xbox One and PC starting on November 28th, and it's giving you a sizeable chunk of the game to try before you fork over your money. You can explore Earth's European Dead Zone and Titan (though you won't get all the campaign missions), fight fellow players in the Crucible's Quickplay rotation and progress up to level 7. This leaves out Nessus, Io, the Competitive playlist and most of the story, but there's at least a few hours of gameplay to be had before you run into the trial's limits.

Source: Destiny, Twitter

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