Thursday, October 5, 2017

News:: New Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon trailer claims 'This isn't the Alola You Know'

Are you ready for some Alolan edge?

Pokemon Sun and Moon had some emotional moments, but the updated Ultra versions seem to be dialing it up a bit. This new trailer claims that "this isn't the Alola you know," in a bid to get you to buy the remixed editions. While I wouldn't say that it looks all that different when it comes to day-to-day gameplay, the story seems a bit more intense, with a greater focus on the otherworldly creatures that mostly showed up at the very end of the originals.

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon will arrive on November 17, 2017 worldwide. While I was enamored enough with the original duo to play both through and get a full Alolan 'dex, I think I'll just be giving one Ultra a go this time -- it's too soon for me to get fully invested.

New Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon trailer claims 'This isn't the Alola You Know' screenshot


via destructoid